Thursday, October 3, 2024

KStars v3.7.3 is Released

KStars v3.7.3 is released on 2024.10.03 for Windows, MacOS & Linux. It's a bi-monthly bug-fix release with a couple of exciting features.

Extension Interface

Ed Lee contributed the Extension Interface for KStars.

Extensions are small programs that can be added to interact with KStars/Ekos/INDI in order to provide extra functions and features. Extensions are separate from KStars. They are not provided as part of this software. Only a means to call them is provided for convenience. Make sure that you understand the requirements and risks of using an extension.

Three extensions are ready for release:

  • FireCapture launcher (FC_launcher): disconnects the current primary camera INDI driver and launches FireCapture. Upon close restarts the INDI driver.
  • KStars Backup (KS_backup): provides a GUI for the archiving and restoration of KStars/INDI (and optionally others) configuration directories to/from .tar.gz archives/
  • Sirial_EEA: provides live stacking of the preview job from the Capture Module and displays it auto-stretched in the Ekos preview window.

Each extension must have a companion configuration file also located in the extensions directory, named the same as the executable with the addition of a .conf eg: an extension named example must also have a configuration file named example.conf A configuration file is a plain text file that provides configuration settings to the extension program and usage information to the user. A configuration file is only valid if it contains a line starting with: minimum_kstars_version=x.y.z The x.y.z is the minimum release of KStars that the extension is designed/tested against. This value is checked against the current KStars KSTARS_VERSION macro defined in version.h and must be equal or lower for the extension to be considered valid. The extension should also check that this minimum_kstars_version string matches what it expects.

Optionally each extension can also provide an icon file for display in the Extension drop down list. Again the naming should match the extension executable with a valid file extension (.jpg, .bmp, .gif, .png or .svg) and be placed in the same extensions directory. A default icon is used for any extension that does not provide it's own icon.

Several new DBus functions/signals are added to enable general extension use and for a specific upcoming extension.

Multi-Target Scheduler

Wolfgang Reissenberger continued the development of multi-camera acquisition and now scheduling with many exciting updates!

Multi-Camera Scheduling

With this new release it is possible to create and run schedules for two or more optical trains in parallel within the same KStars instance. All mount related events like slewing, dithering, alignment and meridian flip are synchronized, i.e. capturing on all optical trains takes these events into account.

Lead and follower jobs

If you want to run capturing on multiple optical trains in parallel, you need to decide, which of the optical trains is the lead job, which defines the target and the scheduling criteria. All other optical trains will be follower jobs, for which only the capture sequence to be used is relevant.

Job Synchronization

Ekos ensures that no mount motion happens while one of the optical trains is capturing to avoid star trails.

In case of dithering, the capture module decides what to do as soon as dithering is requested, depending on the setup of the lead job. If the remaining capture time of a follower train is more than 50% of the lead job exposure time, capturing of the follower train is stopped and restarted after dithering. If the remaining capture time is less than 50%, the Capture module waits for the follower to finish its capture.

For the meridian flip and re-alignment: both are controlled by the lead job. All running follower capturing sequences are stopped and restarted after a successful completion of the respective action.


  • The lead job should have the longest exposure times, especially if dithering is used.
  • If you use re-focusing, consider to not suspend guiding during focusing, since the other optical train might capture in parallel.
  • Configure the same optical train in the Align module that you use in the lead job. This is important if you use the re-alignment check option of the scheduler.
Do not use the Force re-alignment before re-starting jobs, since each new iteration of the lead job stops capturing of the follower trains. Consider using Verify captured image position every n frames instead, since this option triggers re-alignment only if it is necessary.

Adhoc focus with Multi-Camera setups

Wolfgang Reissenberger added support for simultaneous parallel focusing when you are running multi-camera setup. It would be a good idea to disable Suspend Guiding so that guiding is unaffected when focusing operation commences.

Invent Multi-Star Guide Star

Hy Murveit introduced an experimental Multi-Star parameter. In the original (conservative) multi-star guiding implementation, although many stars contributed to the computed guiding drift computation, there still was one more important star that anchored the scheme.

With this change, all the guide stars contribute equally to the guiding calculations. This removes the risk that an unfortunate selection of a double star for the more-important main guide star would degrade performance.

Improvements & Bug fixes

Saturday, August 3, 2024

KStars 3.7.2 Released

KStars v3.7.2 is released on 2024.08.03 for Windows, MacOS & Linux. It's a bi-monthly bug-fix release with a couple of exciting features.

A few members of the KStars development team were enjoying their summer holidays over the past few weeks, but we still have a couple of exciting features in this release!

Multi-Camera Support

Wolfgang Reissenberger devoted countless hours to bring this complex feature that required lots of architectural changes in Ekos. If you have double rigs (or even more), we have a new great feature: multi camera support! If you have more than one optical train on your mount, you now will be able to run capture sequences for each of your optical trains in parallel from the same KStars instance. You simply need to create an optical train for each of your telescopes on your mount, create camera tabs for each optical train, create their own sequence and let them run in parallel.

This new feature may also be used in combination with the scheduler: in this release, the scheduler itself will control the first camera. On top of that, you could configure additional cameras in the capture tab which could execute their own capture sequences. Enhancing the scheduler such that it could control multiple optical trains in parallel is already under development and will be part of one of the next releases. So stay tuned!

Focus Advisor v4

John Evans refactored the Focus Advisor to make it simpler while still offering a lot of insight on parameters tuning. It is now more accessible to new users and has added functionality to optimize values for 2 of the more difficult Focus parameters: Step Size and Backlash (or AF Overscan).

In addition, Focus Advisor contains a convenience tool to locate stars by searching the range of motion of the focuser and another convenience tool to highlight differences between current Focus parameter settings and those recommended by Focus Advisor.

Friday, April 5, 2024

KStars 3.7.0 is Released

KStars v3.7.0 is released on 2024.04.05 for Windows, MacOS & Linux. It's a bi-monthly bug-fix release with a couple of exciting features.

CI & CD Infrastructure

We say goodbye to KDE's binary factory as we transition to fully use Gitlab's CI/CD pipelines to build, test, and publish KStars. Over the last two months, Eric Dejouhanet worked with the KDE's Craft & System admin teams to transition KStars pipelines to the new framework. 

Short status on pipelines:
  • Merge requests run the custom build and the CI builds
  • Master runs the CI build (though there could be other things we run, such as CVE scans)
  • Craft recipes are run from the last commit of the master or release branch, they require "build" and "build-and-test-stable" to be run manually beforehand.
  • Publishing to Microsoft store is available after the Windows Craft is run.
This is still an ongoing process and we hope to have this process fully automated by 3.7.1 release where we will automatically publish latest releases for both stable and master branches.

Donut Buster

Rejoice Newtonian, SCT, and RC owners! With KStars new Donut Buster feature, your donut focusing woes might be something of the past. John Evans implemented this experimental feature to help protect against outliers that might affect your autofocus routine. In addition to that, the Focus Advisor is now automatically applied when creating new profiles. Based on the type of equipment you have in your optical train, the Focus Advisor would try to guess the optimal focus settings for your setup. Both features are experimental and would benefit from your feedback.

Custom Views

Akarsh Simha introduced the ability to orient the sky map to match the view through any instrument.

A view is a collection of settings: the orientation of the sky map, how the orientation changes as the sky map is panned, whether it is mirrored or not, and optionally the field-of-view to set the map to.

If no views are defined, KStars introduces a set of standard / "demo" views by default. Existing views can be edited and new views can be added using the "Edit Views..." interface. They can also be re-ordered in the interface. The ordering of the views in the "Edit Views..." dialog defines the order in which views will be cycled through using the keyboard shortcuts Shift + Page Up and Shift + Page Down. Thus, you can set up the views for easily switching between naked eye / finder scope / telescope views for easy star-hopping.

Furthermore, there is a new option in the View menu that enables mirroring the sky map so as to be able to match the view through an erecting prism used for example on a Schmidt-Cassegrain or Refracting type telescope.

The rotation feature overlay now also marks East in addition to north and zenith, so as to know easily whether the display is mirrored or not.


Hy Murveit
added a very useful Blinking feature to the FITS Viewer tool. This adds several ways to blink; that is, compare multiple images.

In Analyze, one can now move from one session to the next (forward or backward).
Keyboard shortcuts are provided for that.

Another set of keyboard shortcuts both advance and show the next image in the same FITS Viewer.

Thus, for example, one can advance through all the captured images of the evening, showing all the captures on the FITS Viewer by repeating a keyboard shortcut.

A useful complement to this might be adding the ability to delete bad captures, but for now that will have to wait for a rainy day.

In the FITS Viewer, the Open File menu command (both in the main KStars top menu, and in the FITS Viewer menu) now allows multiple files to be selected. If they are then the files are opened in individual tabs.

Shift-selecting would select files from the first to the shift-clicked file. Clearly one wouldn't want to select 100 files resulting in 100 tabs, but this can be used to, e.g. compare 10 images.

Going along with the above, keyboard shortcuts have been added to move to the next or previous FITS Viewer tab, Also helpful to the above is a new command to zoom in/out all tabs (not just the current one).

There is a new Blink Directory menu command (in both menus, as above) which will open a single tab with a list of all the images below the directory selected (that is, both in that directory, and in directories below it). It initially displays the first image, but new commands work in that tab to switch to displaying the next (or previous) image file in the list. This could be used to blink hundreds of files.

Sky Flats

DuĊĦan Poizl
added an option to capturing sky flats. When shooting flats at sky it often end up in never-ending loop of adjusting exposure because intensity of light change and calculation of exposure break down. Adjust the tolerance to 2000 ADU to higher for a better chance at capturing sky flats.

Scheduler Refactor

Wolfgang Reissenberger continues with his work on Separating Business Logic from UI in Scheduler. Over the years the Scheduler has grown to one of the most complex classes. With this release we refactored the Scheduler class and separated the UI from the underlying state model and its business logic. This opens the door for future development of new scheduling features and a much modular approach towards more flexible sequencing approaches.

Standalone Editor

To add any job to the scheduler, you need at minimum the following:
  1. Target
  2. Sequence File
The sequence file contains all your sequence settings (e.g. Capture 20x15 LRGB images). To create this file, you first need to add sequence job in the Capture module and then save the corresponding sequence. While this facilitates re-usability across different sessions, some users wanted to create sequence on-the-fly in the scheduler.

Hy Murveit developed the standalone sequence editor in the scheduler module where it relies on settings saved from your last astrophotography session. Now it's easier than ever to plan scheduler jobs without having Ekos or your equipment profile running!


Sunday, December 3, 2023

KStars 3.6.8 is Released

KStars v3.6.8 is released on 2023.12.03 for Windows, MacOS & Linux. It's a bi-monthly bug-fix release with a couple of exciting features.

Aberration Inspector

John Evans introduces the very exciting Aberration Inspector tool. The Aberration Inspector is a tool that makes use of Autofocus to analyze backfocus and sensor tilt in the connected optical train. It solves up to 9 virtual tiles on the sensor as defined by the existing Mosaic Mask.

The information is then used to analyze:
  • Back focus.
  • Sensor Tilt.
There are 4 sections:
  • V-curve for the each tile.
  • Table of data detailing the curve fitting results.
  • Analysis of back focus and tilt.
  • 3D Surface graphic to explain the Petzval Surface intersection with the sensor.
This release provides display only functionality. In future it would be possible to add functionality to offer recommendations for adjustments using Octopi, PhotonCage, etc.

Sub-exposure Calculator

Joseph McGee continues to add improvements and fixes for the Sub-exposure calculator. For usability, the window is now re-sizeable, an issue with the display of tool tips was corrected, and an indicator has been added for the sensor type of the selected camera (Mono / Color).  For functionality: the upper limit of the Noise Increase input parameter was increased, support was added for cameras with non-variable read noise, (cameras with CCD sensors).

Several new camera data files were added to the KStars source code repository, and a function to allow direct direct download of camera files from the repository was enabled. (Note: users who have created their own camera data files, may wish set the file attribute to read-only, and/or make a back up copy in case of an accidental over-write from the download function if the camera file has the same name).

A new experimental graphical tool to determine an appropriate number of sub-exposures for integration was added. This tool allows the selection of an exposure time to noise ratio for a stacked image; the tool will compute the number of sub-exposures required to achieve that value.

Added several new camera data files:
  • Atik-16200CCD_Mono.xml
  • FLI-16200CCD_Mono.xml 
  • QHY_CCD_294M_Pro.xml
  • QHY_CCD_461_PH.xml
  • QHY_CCD_163C.xml 
  • QHY_CCD_163M.xml
  • QHY_CCD_268C.xml
  • QHY_CCD_294M.xml
  • QHY_CCD_600_PH.xml
  • Pro.xml ZWO_CCD_ASI294MM
  • Pro.xml ZWO_CCD_ASI533MC
  • Pro.xml ZWO_CCD_ASI2600MC
  • Pro.xml ZWO_CCD_ASI6200MC
  • Pro.xml ZWO_CCD_ASI533MC
  • Pro.xml ZWO_CCD_ASI533MM
  • Pro.xml Nikon_DSLR_DSC_D5100_(PTP_mode).xml Nikon_DSLR_DSC_D700_(PTP_mode).xml

FITSViewer Solver

Hy Murveit added a very useful feature to the FITS Viewer: a built-in solver!

The FITS Viewer Solver is used to plate-solve the image loaded in the FITS Viewer's tab. It only works with the internal StellarSolver. You get the RA and DEC coordinates for the center of the image, the image's scale, the angle of rotation, and the number of stars detected in the image. Its main use case is debugging plate-solving issues in Ekos, though the information displayed can be generally useful. The controls and displays are described below.

This adds a new tool inside the splitter on the FITS Viewer. It plate-solves the displayed image, and allows the user to experiment with a number of plate-solving parameters, and thus help debug plate-solving issues.

How to test it out?
  • Open the sliding panel on the left part way, click on Plate Solving, and resize the windows appropriately.
  • Experiment with the parameters available (Use Scale, Use Position, the scale and RA/DEC positions, choose a profile and/or edit it)
  • Click Solve, and the image is solved and the solution presented in the Scale and RA & DEC and Angle boxes.
  • If you enable "Mark Stars" above the image window, you will also see the stars that were detected.

Quality of Life improvements

  • Make "Set Coordinates Manually" dialog more intuitive.
  • Telescope name specified in the optical trains are now saved in the  FITS header (the mount name was saved before).
  • New placeholders for ISO, binning and pure exposure time added.
  • Add a new not-default scheduler option to disable greedy scheduling.
  • Reduce latency between captures, especially when guiding / dithering.
  • Fix issue with differential slewing.
  • Separate Business Logic from UI in Scheduler.
  • Fix bug in estimating job time, capture delays were misinterpreted.
  • Fixed guide start deviation was not saved properly in esq file.
  • Bugfix in one-pulse dither. Dither pulses were going the wrong way.
  • Fix Scheduler hangs when Focus does not signal Autofocus start failure.
  • Focus Guide Settle Bug.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

KStars v3.6.7 is Released

KStars v3.6.7 is released on 2023.10.03 for MacOS & Linux. Windows build is still pending and should hopefully be released by 10th of October. It's a bi-monthly bugfix release with a couple of exciting features.

Image Overlay Component

Hy Murveit introduced a long requested feature: Custom Image Overlays!

With this new feature, a user can add their own processed/completed astro-images, and the system will display them scaled and rotated appropriately on the Sky Map.

The feature is controlled in the KStars Settings menu, in a new tab labelled Image Overlays. First the user needs to add files into a directory, parallel to the logs directory, called imageOverlays. Simply add the images there (typically jpegs). Ideally these aren't massive files for performance reasons, but probably width 1000 or 2000 are fine. I have been testing with larger files, which will also work be use more system resources on slower CPUs.

The user then uses the Image Overlays menu in KStars Settings to (one-time) plate-solve the images and check a box to enable the image display. Successful plate-solve info is stored in the user-db so that it doesn't have to be done again. The images should, from then on, appear in the SkyMap in the proper position. There is a way to easily navigate to the images without manipulating the SkyMap by selecting a row in the overlay table and clicking on the "Show" button. You can move from one image to the next with up/down arrow keyboard commands.

A user can adjust the plate-solve timeouts. As these are mostly blind solves (jpegs won't have any header info, and as currently implemented, no header info is used) the plate solving can be problematic. You can choose a default image scale (arcseconds-per-pixel) or leave that to 0.0 to not use scale. If there are files that won't solve, the user can add RA,DEC into the image's row in the table displayed, which would get the solver to use the sky position as a constraint. The user can also add the scale that way. In fact, if the user knows all the info for the image, he/she can populate all the fields on the image's row and simply set the status field to OK, and plate-solving would no longer be required.

Rotator Dialog Improvements

Toni Schriber continued simplifying the Rotator Dialog. Rotator Flip Policy was introduced. This (global) policy is an answer to this question and to this wish. It's now possible to define how the rotator reacts after a flip or if the result of a solved reference image reports a different pierside respective to the actual mount pierside. Preserve Rotator Angle will keep the rotator position and the camera is virtually rotated by 180°. Preserve Position Angle will keep the camera position angle.

The rotator always turns the camera to the original position angle and the image will show the original star arrangement. Flip Policy can be altered in the StellarSolver Options under Rotator Settings.

More File Placeholders

Due to popular demand, Wolfgang Reissenberger added support for camera temperature %C, gain %G, offset %O and pier side %P.

This is not only applicable to locally captured images, but also for images captured on a remote INDI server.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

KStars v3.6.5 is Released


KStars v3.6.5 is released on 2023.06.01 for MacOS, Linux, and Windows. It's a bi-monthly bugfix release with a couple of exciting features.

Sky Map Rotation

Akarsh Simha added a new feature to allow the user to rotate the sky map. It also allows some standard settings like inverted view. Here are some the highlights:
  1. Rotate the sky-map freely: Shift + mouse drag on the sky map
  2. Pick pre-defined orientations: Zenith Up / Zenith Down / North Up / North Down depending on the coordinate system being used
  3. A magic mode for Dobsonians: The Erect Observer Correction feature, when selected along with Horizontal Coordinates / Zenith Down settings, will reproduce the orientation seen in the eyepiece of a Dobsonian. May need a one-time adjustment for your specific Dobsonian using the shift + drag feature.

Optimal Sub-Exposure Calculator

Joseph McGee made his first contributor to KStars with the Optimal Sub-Exposure Calculator. This is the first iteration of the calculator and only a handful of camera profiles is supported. There are different points of view within the astrophtography community on how optimal sub-exposure should be calculated and whether we should consider other factors such as processing time given the volume of data produced. Your feedback would be appreciated on this first iteration of the calculator.

Implementation of an optimal sub-exposure calculator based upon the work of, and presentation by, Dr Robin Glover. The calculator considers multiple inputs to determine a sub-exposure time which will provide minimal overall noise in the image:

  • A sky quality measurement (SQM) for light pollution
  • The optic focal length
  • A filter bandwidth
  • Camera read-noise (based upon gain/iso)
  • An optional adjustment to the allowable increase in noise from light pollution

As inputs are adjusted the calculator will refresh graphic presentation of potential exposure times of the range of gains, and update calculated outputs. The output values are separated into two sections: one for the sub-exposure, and another for image stacks of various integration times.

The sub-exposure outputs are:

  • the optimal sub-exposure time
  • the count of electrons produced from light-pollution
  • the shot noise, (noise from light pollution)
  • the total exposure noise, (the combined noise from light-pollution and camera read-noise)

The image stack information is presented in a table showing:

  • planned integration hours
  • the count of exposures to reach the planned integration hours
  • the actual stack (integration time) in seconds
  • the noise for the stack
  • a ration of stack time to noise, (as a indicator of quality)

An instance of the sub-exposure calculator can be started from a new 'clock' icon on the ekos capture screen. Multiple instances of the sub-exposure calculator can be started concurrently so that side-by-side comparisons can be made for variations in inputs.

Data for camera read-noise will be provided through individual xml files which will be user maintained and published in a repository. These camera data files persisted within a folder "exposure_calculator" under user/local/share/kstars. The calculator includes the capability to download camera files from a repository. Upon the initial start of the calculator at least one camera data file download will be mandatory before the calculator can be instantiated.

The intent is that camera data file names will be used to allow the calculator to select an appropriate camera data file based upon the device id of the active camera. (But some of the initial camera files were named using educated guesses, and will likely need to be re-named).

Rotator Dialog Improvements

Toni Schriber merged improvements and fixes for the Rotator Dialog. As shown in the illustrations the user interface is very simple and there is only one parameter to set: The Camera Position Angle. It is a very consistent term and easy to understand. The same Position Angle (PA) is also used in Alignment, Scheduler, and the Sky Map.

In the gauge this angle is presented in the same color as the FOV in the planetarium sky and in viewing direction. This way one can relate and understand this angle intuitively. The rotator angle is presented in gray and also in viewing direction. This angle is calculated from the Camera PA and the Cameras Offset Angle which is calibrated each time a [Capture & Solve] or a [Load & Slew] is brought into action. For further clarity the rotator angle and the camera offset is displayed again in a information window together with the current pier side.

The Rotator Settings can be accessed either in the Capture or Align modules.

Focus Linear 1 Pass Improvements

John Evans continued his phenomenal improvements to Ekos Focus module with L1P Phase 2 changes as detailed in the Linear Focus Phase 2 document. Here are the highlights:

  1. Optimized curve fitting . Should be faster and more accurate and includes outlier rejection.
  2. Currently HFR is the only fitting "measure" available. The following have been added: a) HFR Adj (adjusted HFR to compensate for star brightness vs background variation) b) FWHM c) Number stars (max at focus rather than a min) d) Fourier Power (alternative focus method not requiring star detection)
  3. Focus units can be displayed in pixels or arc-seconds.
  4. Critical Focus Zone - a calculator with 3 different algorithms has been added
  5. Focus Offset Utility to automatically build focus offsets.
  6. Take flats at same focus point as lights has been fixed.
  7. Focus Adviser. Still working on this but a tool to help with focus parameters (since there are now so many).
  8. SEP parameters suggestions for focus. Keen to get some feedback on this.
  9. Adaptive focus to adapt the focuser position between Autofocus runs, aiming to keep optimum focus for each sub-frame. Adaptations for Temperature and Altitude are supported.
  10. Adaptive focuser start . The starting position for an AF run can be filter and Adaptive Focus adjusted.
  11. Focus walks added to control how the inward sweep of the AF process performs.
  12. AF Overscan originally implemented in the Linear algorithm and then reused by Linear 1 Pass now extended to all focuser movements.

In addition to HFR, you can now use different measurements (FHWM, # of Stars, Fourier Power) that may work well with your setup and environment. Here are some focus runs with each of the new measurements types. You will notice that the solutions are very close to each other.


# Of Stars

Fourier Power

Focus Aberration Inspector

Wolfgang Reissenberger introduced the mosaic view well known from PixInsight's AberrationInspector script that builds a mosaic from all image corners and center tiles such that they can be compared directly.

Supernovae are back

The last few releases was missing supernovae data since the online source that was providing the data decided to go offline. Thankfully, Philipp Auersperg-Castell communicated with the fine folks over the Transient Name Server (IAU Supernovae Working Group) to obtain daily supernovae updates and imported them to KStars. All Recent supernovae should be available now in KStars.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

KStars v3.6.1 Released

KStars v3.6.1 is released on 2022.10.02 for MacOS, Linux, and Windows. It's a bi-monthly bugfix release with a couple of exciting features.

Due to major changes in this release, we are releasing it as Early Preview. We hope to release final stable release in a few weeks given the user feedback.

Optical Trains

Ekos introduces a new method to configure equipment by organizing them into Optical Trains. An optical train is a collection of devices arranged in orders from the telescope/lens up until the last imaging element. It includes everything in between including reducers, barlows, OAGs, rotators, filter wheels and so forth.

You will no longer select individual devices in Ekos modules, you simply select which train you want to use. Settings are now saved per-train basis so you can have different settings for each train. This is all done automatically and no need to save or load settings yourself.

For further explanation, check out this YouTube tutorial

Dark Guiding

Sophie Taylor is a new contributor to KStars and a highly talented scientific developer. She is a PhD student and has contributed a new internal guider feature: Dark guiding.

One of the primary benefits of the GPG guiding system is the ability to predict the behavior of the mount at any point in time; not just when guide camera images are received. Dark guiding introduces a rapid control loop that occurs several times per guide exposure, to correct for the predicted error. This way, not only can the benefits of long duration guide exposures be taken advantage of (e.g. capturing fainter guide stars), but some of the benefit of short-term exposures too; namely, quicker corrections to the mount.

For example, you can configure 5 seconds guiding exposures with 1 second dark guiding updates. Dark Guiding is an improvement to GPG, and part of the GPG menu in the Guider menu.

Internal Guider

Hy Murveit increased the number of usable MultiStar references. It was limited to 10 previously but now you can increase it as appropriate given the seeing conditions.

State Machines

Wolfgang Reissenberger continues work on dedicated state machines. This is the next step towards dedicated state machines for EKOS. This step contains:

  • Introduction of a dedicated meridian flip state machine encapsulating both the meridian flip state of the mount and the overall state. This state machine is shared between Capture and Mount, which avoids mutual state communication.
  • First functionality regarding the meridian flip is shifted from Capture and Mount to the state machine. Nevertheless, the complex operations are still part of the Capture code and will be addressed in one of the next refactoring steps.

More Fixes & Improvements

Hy Murveit           fix align solver disconnect crash, disable ssolver logging
Hy Murveit           Analyze target distance should be plotted as a property of the last capture.
Wolfgang Reissenberger Problem with guide calibration after meridian flip
Sophie Taylor        Proper support for loading compressed image statistics
Robert Lancaster     Attempting to patch Find Dialog Crash Bug on MacOS
Marius P             guidealgorithms use C++ initialization instead of memset
Hy Murveit           Reduce the resolution in drawing artificial horizon to 1 degree
Hy Murveit           Bugfix--scheduler was ignoring artificial horizon ceiling constraints
alfred herrhausen    Summary Screen layout improvements, Total RMS added
Wolfgang Reissenberger No separate JPLParser creation for check of epoch_mjd, since this causes crashes
Jasem Mutlaq         Add support for DSLR lenses. User can select either scope or lens in equipment
Hy Murveit           Fix bug where deprecated XML caused extra sequence jobs
Hy Murveit           PAA: use the index and healpix of the 3rd PAA calibration image at the start of the refresh phase.
Wolfgang Reissenberger State machines for meridian flip and Capture
Wolfgang Reissenberger Bugfix for restarting a paused capture sequence after a meridian flip
Hy Murveit           Call checkCamera before loading a sequenceQueue in case UI has not yet been updated.
Wolfgang Reissenberger Handling attempts sending an RPC call if no connection established
Hy Murveit           Do not draw star circles when printing HFRs
Jasem Mutlaq         Warn users if one or more devices fail to connect